Saturday, 27 May 2017

Garden 2017: Seedlings

Nice weather has finally begun on the west coast! It's been kind of crazy, normally our springs are a lot nicer, but this year it stayed wet and cool for a really long time. I've been enjoying spending a lot of time in my garden, so I thought it was about time for an update!

The seeds that I started indoors did surprisingly well! About 90% of what I planted came up, and most of what did has survived quite well. For some reason most of my cucumber and zucchini randomly died, but now that it is warm out I have also planted some seeds directly in the garden.

Most surprising to me was how well the tomatoes did. I planted quite a few seeds thinking that only a few would grow, but I have ended up with at least twelve healthy plants (and a couple more that might not make it). So all going well, it looks like we are going to have lots of tomatoes this year!

I have also planted potatoes in wire cage towers. They are blue potatoes - I'm looking forward to trying them out! So far they are growing really well.

Steven and I have also planted peas, lettuce, carrots, and other things like that in our garden, most of which are coming up.

The only seedlings that I still have in pots are my goji plants. I am planning to put a couple of them in the garden eventually, but I will also be keeping some as potted plants.

And the rest of the garden continues to grow and bloom, like these lilacs - so beautiful! I am so thankful to have such a wonderful yard and garden where I can spend time with my kids.

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