Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Bedtime Battles: Update 2

It's funny how life conspires to mess up your routines.

We were doing so well with Steven's bedtime routine. Occasionally there would still be a bad night, but for the most part he would only get up once or twice after we put him to bed, and sometimes he wouldn't get up at all. But then... well I'm not exactly sure what happened. It was a lot of little things, really. Steven got a cold, so he was feeling pretty miserable and was having a hard time sleeping, and we moved him into a big bed and wanted to make sure he was settling ok, and one thing led to another until one day we suddenly realized that we were cuddling him to sleep every night! So we had to start our routine all over again. Hopefully it won't be as hard this time. There were a few rough nights, but tonight he only came out once! We shall see.

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