Thursday, 20 October 2016

Rainy Mood

We had some stormy weather last week.  Lots of rain, and some high winds too.  I like stormy weather.  Ever since I can remember, I've always said that "windy" was my favourite kind of weather.  I also don't mind rain, which is probably a good thing since I live on the wet west coast.

There is something very comforting about the sound of rain.  I can remember camping with my family as a kid, listening to the sound of the rain pattering on the roof of our tent trailer.  When I got older I loved to go for walks by myself, even in inclement weather.  There have been many times when I have been caught out in a downpour and taken shelter under a tree, listening to the sound of the rain and wind rustling the leaves.

A few years ago I was introduced to a website called "Rainy Mood", which plays the sound of a rain storm.  It's one of our favourite things to listen to.  If you haven't heard of it before - you're welcome!  You can use this link to check it out: Rainy Mood

Even more exciting, however, is that you can combine Rainy Mood with YouTube videos!  There are pre-made mixes on the website, or you can make your own by changing the URL from to but leaving the rest of the video's URL the same.  I use this feature to listen to music and Rainy Mood at the same time. 

My personal favourite is two hours of Celtic music by Adrian Von Ziegler.  It fits with the sound of the rain so well, and makes me feel like I'm getting ready to go on an adventure.

Listen to it here!

What have you been listening to today?

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