Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Reflections upon reading a heartbreaking news story

Blaring headlines
Dramatic stories
Vivid pictures
Catch your attention
Grip your mind
Tear your heart out
Bringing the world
Into your home
So much pain
So much wrong
How do we respond?

Do we become numb
Harder to shock
Media vying for our attention
For our dollers
To sell the newspaper
Get the click on the internet
Is the brokennes of the world
For our entertainment?
For the pocketbooks of the rich?

Do we actually care
Try to make a difference
Fix our eyes around the world
Send our money away
While we walk past the homeless
On our own street
Spend all our time
Working for a cause
While our families are ignored
And we don't know our neighbours?

Or do we remain aware of the hurt
Around the world
And in our own lives
Stretching ourselves thin
Trying to care
About it all
Trying to take care
Of them all
Burning out
Losing hope
In the end
Able to do nothing?

Is a global village
A blessing or a curse?

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