Friday 19 June 2020

Too Much!

There is so much that I want to do! And I don’t mean bucket list kinds of things that I want to do someday, but normal sorts of things that I want to do or work on today.

I want to work on my writing. I want to keep writing the story I have in progress, because I care about the characters so much, and I want to know what happens next! I want to write poetry and journal and process life and all that I am learning. And there are so many other writing projects that I have ideas for—from scripts to stories and more—that I haven’t started yet because I can only have so many projects going at a time! And don’t forget making more content for this blog, my website, and my Patreon, for all of you lovely folks who support my work!

There is also so much I want to learn. With my husband and one of my sisters-in-law I have been attempting to learn American Sign Language, which has been a goal of mine for a long time. I have also been attempting to re-learn the Biblical Hebrew that I learned in college and had all but forgotten. I’d love to be proficient enough to be able to read the text of the Old Testament for myself!

I’ve always loved arts and crafts, and there are several projects cooking in the back of my mind that I’d love to get to. There are some drawing projects (Lord of the Rings/Paw Patrol crossover, anyone?), painting projects (I’d love to make a painting to express my feelings about cancer and death), and even an idea for a comic strip series! I’m trying not to collect any crocheting projects at the moment (though there is that one pattern I’d love to try...), but to my dismay I keep collecting sewing projects, especially to make historically inspired clothing. And besides, I have a whole bag of lovely fabric from my grandma-in-law that is just begging to be made into things!

But all of that doesn’t involve me even leaving the house! Even though I’m not in a situation at the moment that lends itself to hiking, I still love getting outside, and I am trying to go on more walks to enjoy nature and get my body my moving. I have access to a river and a canoe here, and canoeing is something I’d really love to get better at—not to mention that my hubby is a trained paddle instructor, so I really should be taking advantage of that! And one of my sisters-in-law has said I can shoot with her bow any time I want, and I’d love to get better at that too, because who doesn’t want to feel like a badass *insert legendary archer of your choice*? And then there’s HORSES! Just down the street! And I’m allowed to ride them! But I’ve been here three months already and I haven’t even gone yet! How is this possible?

And then, you know, just in general wanting to be more fit and healthy. I’ve managed to start up a fitness routine, which has felt really good. I actually have some semblance of a core for the first time since having kids! But my workouts and stretches aren’t really touching my cardio and endurance, which I’m sure are plummeting, now that I’m not walking or biking whenever I want to go somewhere. Sigh.

And of course I don’t want to neglect my spiritual walk. I started this year with the idea to read through the Bible in a year and the Psalms and Proverbs every month. It may have been a bit ambitious, but I am determined to see it through! And I have really been enjoying spending so much time in God’s Word every day. Then there are other spiritual disciplines too, and I have particularly been wanting to grow in prayer.

And these are just personal goals and projects. There are friendships to maintain, family to enjoy and care for, and a whole world outside of my bubble to care about and try to make a difference in. And don’t forget that daily life still needs to happen! Floors to sweep, meals to make, messes to clean—the list often seems endless!

So what is a woman like I to do, who is constrained to a mere 24 hours in a day? (Especially when sleep is definitely a thing!) How do I choose how to spend these precious moments that God has given me? There is so much in this world that God has given us to enjoy, and I am sure that there is yet more that has slipped my mind as I’ve gone on this excessively long ramble. (Like music! How on earth did I forget about music?!)

But I am thankful. Thankful for this beautiful and exciting world that God has made, and thankful for every day I have to enjoy.

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